Tuesday, January 9, 2007

What's this about?

Sorry to disappoint fellas, but for some reason, I've not really been that boned-up lately. Well, not yesterday and today, that is. This past Friday night was rough - a lot of wine, food, booze, more food and more wine - so I spent the rest of the weekend recuperating, and I guess I'm still in that mode. Maybe I shouldn't even write about this, since the blog is really supposed to only be about the sex I have...not the sex I don't have. This might just mean that I'm becoming addicted to this thing. To this "blogging." Until now, I thought blogs were only for self-indulgent, obnoxious intellects. A lot of blogs are like that, by those kind of peeps, but hopefully not mine. I mean, there's nothing self-indulgent about writing all the specific details of one's sex life, right? Kidding, of course.

I've spent some time checking out other, similar-themed blogs, and have come across some cool stuff. My side column is getting pretty full, so I'm not going to put them all there (rather save that space for my brothas who have linked to / written about me). But I'll compile a list in a separate post, for you all to see.

In the meantime, check out NaughtyBids.com. It's a pretty awesome auction site for "adult" products. Everything from used underwear, used condoms, homemade videos, etc. Check it out. I'm thinking about posting something in the next couple of weeks...

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